About Jumail J 👨🏻💻
Jumail J 👨🏻💻 (He/Him)
Hey, I'm Jumail J 24-year-old self-taught programmer with a deep passion for Web development🕸️ and visualization projects🧪.
my focus has shifted more towards creating immersive visual experiences, where my background in game development🏓 has been incredibly valuable.
What excites me about programming is the constant learning📑 and problem-solving🧩. Beyond coding, my interests are rooted in computers and tech. I believe that while languages differ, core principles remain the same, helping me adapt and excel across tech environments.
Self-motivated, Team player, Love coding 👨🏻💻
Coding Stats
PythonTypeScriptGolangC++JavaScriptMarkdownPythonTypeScriptGolangC++JavaScriptMarkdownReactLinux TerminalNext.jsMySQLPostmanAzureUnityBlenderReactLinux TerminalNext.jsMySQLPostmanAzureUnityBlendercoming soon...
Life Style
Open Source
Actively contributing to open source projects on GitHub.
Love to share my knowledge and experience with others.
Swimming defines my active workout lifestyle.
Sky brings freedom; streets, a reminder of others' contributions.